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Acupoint Stimulation with PainGone Pen

Facilitating Acupoint Stimulation
with Non-Invasive Technology

Acupuncture, a form of alternative medical practice, has roots deep-seated in traditional Chinese medicine. There is a lot of debate as to when exactly the practice originated in China but the earliest it is believed to be in use is three millenniums ago.

Practitioners say that our bodies consist of meridians, or pressure points, that can be used to regulate pain and other bodily functions with external stimulation. With traditional acupuncture, this involves the use of long, thin needles being inserted over these meridians.

Traditional practitioners believed these meridians to be holes through which qi, our energy, used to flow. However, modern practitioners view these points as places to stimulate nerves, tissues and muscles, which may lead to pain relief with proper stimulation.

Unlike acupuncture, the PainGone Pen offers a totally non-invasive alternate for natural pain relief. Without the need for drugs or hassle of wires and sticky pads, the Pen delivers small electric currents to stimulate nerves at specific acupoints, helping to relax and alleviate discomfort.

What are Acupoints?
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Acupoints are pressure points (called meridians) that are believed to be spread throughout our bodies.


According to acupuncture practices in Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are 20 major meridians.


Some are cutaneous while others are subcutaneous, which further branch out into sub-meridians.

Currently, it is believed that our bodies have more than four hundred acupoints, which can be stimulated to relax muscles and relieve pain.


Among the various hundreds of meridians, there are a few points that are more readily stimulated for treating a wide range of conditions. 


Here are five of the most common acupoints

used for treating back pain:

Stomach Point

The stomach point is located
two finger widths from your
belly button.


Pressure on this point not only strengthens abdominal muscles but also relieves lower back pain.

Back of the Knees

Located in the centre of the back of the knees, these can be stimulated to reduce pain and stiffness in the lower back, knees, and sciatica.

Lower Back Point

​Lower back points are located between the second and third vertebrae from the lower end of your backbone.


Pressure on these points can relieve pain in the lower back and sciatica.

Hand Points

These points are located between the thumb and index finger.


This point can be stimulated to relieve pain and stiffness in the back as well as reducing general stress.

Hipbone Point

These points are approximately two-finger lengths away from the bottom of the spine.


Applying pressure or electrical stimulation on these points can help reduce pain and stiffness in the hips, lower back, sciatica, and pelvic stress.

PainGone for Acupoint Stimulation

PainGone is an advancement of the already effective TENS or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation technology.


Both PainGone and Paingone Plus are designed such that they can, additionally, be used to stimulate acupoints and achieve pain relief. Compared to conventional acupuncture, PainGone Pen is a non-invasive alternative. There are no needles and it does not break the skin.

You can place the Paingone or PainGone plus over the pressure points, clicking 30-40 times per acupoint. For every condition, there is one or a combination of multiple acupressure points that can be stimulated.

One important point to remember when using PainGone for acupoint stimulation to treat a headache or migraine is to use it on the opposite side. For example, if your migraine affects the left side of your head, treat it by using PainGone on the right side of your body.

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How Does it Work

When you place any of the PainGone devices on an acupoint, it delivers a small electric current.


This current passes through the skin to your brain, intercepting pain signals. This can lead to the release of endorphins, reduction in pain signals, and muscle or nerve relaxation. The combination of these effects is a feeling of temporary pain relief. 

Paingone has virtually no side effects and can be used effectively any time you require pain relief during the day. You can also use it directly on the skin or through light clothing.

How to Use PainGone?

The PainGone range is easy to use, accessible, and even transportable.
You can take it with you in your bag and use it as required.

To use PainGone on your acupoints, place the device on the pressure
point and click the button 30 to 40 times. This may take up to a minute. When done, move the device to the next relevant meridian point listed
for the condition you’re targeting and then press the button.

With natural pain relief made easy with PainGone, you only
need to familiarize yourself with acupressure points in your
body to have the most effective results.

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Key characteristics of our Paingone One
Rapid 60-second
Wireless and
Safe and
simple to use
2 years'
daily use
1.8 million users worldwide
Works through clothing
How to use Paingone One?
Check out our Paingone pen products:
The original TENS
The automatic TENS pen
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